Smart Technology Tips

When at home, we can use our personal computer or laptop to access the internet and work on our personal stuff such as banking online, accessing the news website for the latest news, do some online shopping, or we can just simply want to have fun surfing the web.

When at work, we use the computer to produce results based on the information we have stored on the computer or by accessing the internet. However, when we are away from home, we can carry the laptop with us to access the internet, but it can become a little bulky carrying it around with us all over the place. To make it a lot easier, there are several ways to access the internet wherever we go.

We can get a smart phone or tablet, such as an iPad or Kindle Fire. These devices are for more than just fun and games. You’ll love the immediate access to email, address books, photos, calendars and the Internet, not to mention thousands of apps (web applications.) When purchasing either one of these devices, apps (also known as application) are available from Apple if you get an Apple product such as the iPhone or iPad, or you can get the apps from Amazon for the Kindle Fire. Depending on your budget, consider buying a refurbished version of one of these devices, and then upgrade to a new model after you learn the ropes. But if budgeting is not your case, any one of these devices will be a great addition to your technology personal inventory.

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One very important thing to remember, is to back up your data. If you don’t back up your data, the possibility of losing your personal photos, songs, or information can happen if an accident occurs. An online backup service protects you if your tablet, phone or laptop gets stolen or lost. Install the software and you data will be backed up to the “cloud” (basically the Internet). Easily restore everything from music to spreadsheets for a flat annual fee.